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Welcome on my book The pills Maya

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Coffee – Coffea

Dear reader good morning and well woke up!

Let’s start our homeopathic trip of kitchen remedy knowledge.

For give us charge we prepare a good black and hot coffee and, let’s face it, in this sector, we are master of cafè.

The coffee plant belong to the family of Rubiaceae and usually we use the Arabian variety.

In homeopathy the remedy acquire by this plant is called Coffea Cruda, it’s considered a little remedy and usually not much prescribed by homeopath.

It has a few recommendation but I considered it usefull in our homeopathic remedy box.

Coffea is usefull when we are in a situation of perennial sensorial and emotional alert, the classic violin ropes , like who drank too much coffee and ingest more make us more nervous and  awkward.

This remedy could be usefull for headache especially if arise after a long intellectual activity tipical situation of the student the day before the exam awake all night with a cup of coffee after another.

Another symptom treated by coffea is toothache.

Waiting for the dentist’s intervention, we can take coffea; it will results effective if we found out that our toothache will tend towards improvement taking cold water into the mouth or conversely break out if we drink tea.

Dear nervous reader now that we're calm down, can we go on and maybe thinking about what to cook, do you like pesto sauce?

See you in the next article of  The pills Maya !!!

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