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Continues the preparation of pesto

Garlic – Allium Sativum

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Welcome dear readers Pills Maya. Today, still in the kitchen ...

In kitchen garlic is used as flavoring and it won’t miss in our pesto.

Allium Sativum is a plant bulb coltivated that belong to the family of Liliaceae.

We find confirmation about its use at the time of egyptian pyramids, where it was illustrated and probably given to slaves for keep them in healty.

In homeopathy , it’s a remedy utilized by people that used to eat a lot of meat and they feel inflated and overburdened with belch and acidosis.

Allium Sativum’s subjects are generally irritable, they can’t rest well, suffer of gastric reflux (acidity), constipation and generally they have associated disorders of chronic inflammation of the body such as rheumatism, arthritis (affecting especially the hip), skin problems and dry skin, eye irritation with tearing.

The arrived of summer could define a worsening of symptoms.

Other homeopathic indications of this remedy are their ipocolesterolic, antioxidant, cardioprotective (can be useful in the prevention of atherosclerosis), hypotensive, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, immunostimulant and hypoglycemic’s property.

Next time, dear reader, I’ll talk of Allium Cepa, it belong to the same family and guess who’s that?

You can find it in every kitchen and when we cut it we could cry.

Yes is the onion.

See you next time in Pills Maya.

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