The money earned with Rock for a child helped to fund the first year of research of one of the pediatric diseases today still not adequately treatable , the "short bowel syndrome " which, due to the loss of more than 75 % of the length of intestines, makes mandatory the artificial nutrition intravenously to prevent death due to malnutrition.
The Charity event now in its sixth edition was held at Palacesaroni Genzano in Rome, Saturday, May 24th last year, taking advantage of the patronage of the “Bambino Gesù” in Rome and the town of “Genzano di Roma”.
Many artists have enlivened the event again this year and have allowed with their presence to donate part of the earnings to a specific project shared with the Department of Neonatology of th Children's Hospital “Bambino Gesù”.
There were wonderful "Travel Partners": Anna Tatangelo, Mariella Nava, Luca Guadagnini & Band , Manuela Villa , Martufello , Pablo & Pedro , Carmine Faraco , M. David , James Castellana , Antonio Maggio, Alessandro Mancuso , Dario Marini, the dance school Divertissement , Alessandro Serra ... Today, our daily life, we interview Massimiliano Rhodes, who has entertained with fun activities the children during the event, thanks to his extraordinary resemblance to actor Johnny Depp , better known as Max Sparrow, undisputed Pirate of the Caribbean !
We have been granted suche interview thanks to the Manager Daniel Micelli, from the “DManagement Eventi”.
- When you approached for the first time to the artistic world ? -
"Beginning as jokes to attend the Fairs of Comics, owing it all to this kind of event I like to remember that, even though I've done other things on TV like Italia1, LA7 and other important events, making me known as this character ... "
- What motivates you to continue this path ? -
"Sincerely ? I was one of the many unemployed people in Italy, I 've turned this passion into a profession that allows me to live, however, many times I thought to give up, but I have always been dissuaded by my agent who strongly believes in me and by the many people who follow me with respect and affection ... "
- So, to whom you owe your success ? -
"To Johnny Depp ahahahahaha ... Of course !
" - An anecdote ? -
"I was born alone .. and I'll die the same way ..." - A project ? - " I can not say it any right now. If everything goes well as I hope, we will see it in port" - If you could choose a director or writer whom would you like to work with ? - "I haven't got so much artistic experience to have an idea about it, out of this character whom I impersonate . I only worked once with my face, simply as Massimiliano .. doing the part of the lover in a videoclip of the singer Claudia Megré .. from Team “Pelù” at “The Voice”, with the director Claudio D'Avascio.
The piece is called “And if this is love”. I have been working very well with him, I was his follower before working together, since I saw his other works by various artists as,for esample, Raf .. .. .. Neff, Diatribe and many others .. I find it a great professional with a very special talent, then I do not know where I will get with time, in any case already this seems like a lot, even if I would stoptomorrow I can not say that I have not enjoyed and taken some satisfaction ... "
- If you could go back, what not to do again ?
-I find it an idea against nature, I can not answer .. we are the result of good and bad experiences, so I do not look back .. but also not too long forward .. I think to the present. "
- Define yourself in three words ... -
"Direct. Passionate. Unsociable "
Our Massimiliano will live more adventures with his little "pirates", giving them a dream and making them travel with his “Black Pearl” beyond all intemperia of the life ... And we will wait here, on “Stelle di Giorno”, for another interview ... another emotion!